Friday, 20 April 2012

God and Elections

My province of Alberta is in the midst of a provincial election. In just a matter of days, April 23rd to be exact, Albertans are going to the polls to elect members to a new government. Indications ar that the political landscape of this province will change significantly. Though I try not to make statements about political dealings in the past while I have my own leanings of course, my mind has considered what part God plays in an eleciton and in government in general. Though many would say that "religion" and politics should be separate the fact remains that God, who is above religion, does play a part, indeed the ultimate part actually in the election process and in government. Please permit me to flesh this out a bit.

It is God that ultimately decides who is in to be charge of a province, state, country, etc. No, God, does not go into an election booth and mark his choice for candidate on a slip of paper. He does not belong to or favor any one party such as the Progressive Conservatives, Wildrose, New Democrat, or Liberal parties or any of the other small parties running in the election here in Albera. Nor, surprise, surprise (!) is he a member of the Republican or Democrat parties in the United States as they are in their election year, though many would try to make you think He is. However we are told in Scripture by the prophet Daniel, as he got ready to address king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, that "he [God]changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings [premiers, presidents, etc], and setteth up kings..." This shows that God is in control of our political system no matter how much man may tinker with it. Again God doesn't play favorites but as nothing comes as a surprise to Him he is the One who decides the winner. I know that other questions arise in people's minds at time when they think back to leaders of the past who have been deemed corrupt, immoral, or very wicked such as Hitler, Stalin, etc and wonder how God would allow them to be in power. That is for others to debate in other places, but my point is that it is God who sets one up as leader and takes others down.

Secondly, as we think of the election process I believe we are reminded in Scripture by God that we need to pray for our leaders and I believe this includes all candidates of all parties. Yes I know there is the temptation, and I have given into it myself, to pray just for a certain candidate to get in or for someone to be voted out. It seems that in churches, though not voiced implicitly of course, that we should pray in such a way that our desired candidate get in or else God's will won't be done! Again in the federal election of last year in Canada and as I have watched the ongoing election process in the United States it seems that we are told or we feel that we need to pray people in or out but in Scripture that is not the focus. As a matter of fact this type of praying is not even considered when the apostle Paul in I Timothy 2:1-4 stated: "I exhort therefore, that first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all me; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." We are to pray for our candidates and leaders, not that they win or lose the election but rather that they be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (God's truth).

Thirdly, after the election, and indeed should be true all the time when considering our relationship to the government and those placed in authority over us by God, is the realization that I am to respect and give proper attention to them as the apostle Paul brought out in Romans 13:1-7. Again there are the arguments for protesting and disagreeing with the government over things when one feels that the laws of God are being broken by the government. That again is not the purpose of this blog but rather we need to realize that we are to "be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God...For he is th minister of God...wherefore you must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake..."

As I prepare to go vote yes I do have political leanings as I said but I know God has everything under control. No matter whether my candidate gets in or not it is God who has the ultimate election call (not CTV, Global, CBC, or in the states any of the networks there!). I need to be praying for all the candidates that they would seek to first of all follow God and I need to remember that even if my candidate does not win I need to give proper respect to those over me.

I trust that this has made you think some about God and elections. You need not agree with my political leanings or beliefs and you may interpret things differently even from Scripture but remember God does have all things under His control.