Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Friends, what and who are they? As I sit at my computer and compose this first post I was struck by the fact that I am blessed with some very good friends. But what exactly is the make up of a friend.

Today many of us are on Facebook and people talk about friending someone, i.e. adding to their list of people in their social network that they want to keep in touch with. There are people who, if you look at the amount of "friends" cited on their web page you would think are very popular and then there are those who may have only a few friends listed. Though I can't claim to have hundreds of FB friends I do have a fair number, but to be perfectly honest could I or you consider all those people on my list or your list as quality friends?

We talk about being friends with everyone and society (though it admittedly has done a poor job at it) advocates that we should love everybody. Songs are written to that extent and we are admonished to avoid living in a friendless environment. But is that truly what we look for when we think of friends. Sure we may want to be friends with everyone but reality screams it is not possible.

So what is a friend. Well permit me for the next few posts (see I want you to come back!) to describe what I feel a friend is as a number of years ago I thought of an Acrostic that I developed when I was a minister. Hopefully this will not get too deep, but I hope it encourages you and me as we think of our Friends.

Just in case you can't check back all the time permit me to define it very quickly.
F - Friends fellowship or spend time together
R - Reach out to each other
I - Identify with each other
E - Encourage each other
N - Need each other
D - Disciple or spur one another on into deeper relationship with God and others.
I realize there is some overlap but I believe there is also differences in each aspect too.

So first of all a friend fellowships or spends time with others. I admit that there are many times that I prefer solitude and being by myself. But if I am to be a friend or you are to be a friend to others we need to spend time with those we want to become closer to. I have been blessed to be part of a fantastic care group in my church and I admit that at first I was leary of being a part of a group where it is mainly made up of young couples with kids or those who have teenagers or grown children. Yet over the past three years I can truly say I look forward to spending time with those people. We have a great time as we study, pray, laugh, and even eat together. I believe it is an example of what the early church was really about where in Acts 2 we are told that people broke break together and shared together. If I am to be a friend I am going to want to spend time with these people and with others so that I can get to know them better and not just on a shallow level either.

I will end here and realize that this is a longer post than most will be ( I hope!). Thanks for stopping by and let me know what you think are qualities of a friend to you.


  1. Dan, Good thoughts here! I think one key is just being present for each other. Present in an attentive, total sense as much as one can be. And by grace.

    I look forward to your further thoughts on this.

  2. I love the acrostic, Dan, and I think it is right on. I often think of the early church and how they interacted. The church WAS their social network (and of course, so much more). Great thoughts and I like how your small group is diverse (not trying to be PC here) and yet it still meets your needs. Too cool. Keep up the great posts!
