Sunday, 13 May 2012

Qualities of a Fantastic Mother

Leona Clare Goldsmith is the world's best mother! Sorry to all of you that thought you had the world's best mother or maybe are the world's best mother but as there can only be one I have her. Yes, I am totally biased but here me out as I celebrate this fantastic lady who is my mother. Years ago in school I learned about corollaries and facts in math. That is in order for a statement to be true the corollaries also had to be true. That is if x = something and y = something then x + y must = z. In the same way I believe the best mothers will exhibit a lot of the qualities here. I admit I am going from a male perspective but feel that as I think of mothers and my mother in particular I have a good idea of what a fantastic mother is like. In Scripture we see the description of an ideal mother in Proverbs 31:10-31. In that passage we are told of a woman who is industrioius, supportive of her husband, cares for her children and is well spoken of by others. Indeed in 31:28 we are told tht "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." I can remember many instances of my own mother doing these things. My mother kept herself busy, she cared for us indeed many years ago making some of our clothes, feeding us (as the picture above can attest to!) and looking after us when we were sick. She has been a support to my father over the years as they have ministered in numerous churches and places as a pastoral couple and never once have I heard her put my father down for anything. I believe other ladies have come to my mother for advice and yes my brother, sister and I along with my nephews all can attest that we thank God and praise Him for her. Thus a good mother is a Proverbs 31 mother and that is true of my mother. Also in Scripture we are told of the fruits of the Spirit and I believe these should be qualities of a fantastic mother. We are told that a believer in Christ and this would of course include Christian mothers should display love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. It is not my point to go into what all these qualities mean but having seen so many other bad examples of mothers, i.e. I work at a school and see the results of hurting children who are verbally, mentally and at times physically abused by parents including the mothers of the children, I thank God my mother has portrayed the fruits of the Spirit to my brother Brian, sister Sharilyn, and myself. Sure there have been times when my siblings have exasperated my mother (!), okay all of us (!) have and tried her patience but my mother has shown us love all our lives. She has been there with us in the good and bad times and encouraged us. I remember numerous times whether growing up or talking on the phone where I have come away glad that I had a chat to talk over things with my mother. So a fantastic mother should exhibit fruits of the spirit and that is true of my mother. Most importantly I believe a mother is one who shares the same love of Christ with her children. I know my mother does and indeed I share the same spiritual birthdate with my mother though she was saved 24 years before I was. It was August 6, 1942 that my mother was led to Christ by her mother and it was August 6, 1966 that my father led me to the Lord. Over the years mom has been along with my father one of the greatest role models of what a Christian should be like and live like. Though I fail many times mom has displayed Christ for me. Thus since my mother is a Proverbs 31 mother and also exhibits fruits of the Spirit and is a believer she is a fantastic mother and indeed the world's best mother. I trust you have been able to apply some of these to your own mother or to yourself if you are a mother. On this Mother's Day may all you mothers have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said, Dan, such a beautiful tribute to your mom it makes me wish I'd had the opportunity to meet her! Since this is your blog I won't bother with the whole argument of whose mother is better. Were we face-to-face I might indulge in some, "My mom is better than your mom, nannny, nanny, boo,boo. ;p
